Considering the sheer volume of content creators uploading incredibly well-made content to the internet for free, it’s harder than ever to get eyeballs on your work, forcing creators to carve out increasingly unusual niches in an effort to try and find their audiences.
That probably isn’t the case for Norwegian man Marius Theodore Gustavson, however, who was recently jailed for a minimum of 22 years for his role in an “extreme body modification conspiracy” which saw him removing men’s genitals and uploading videos online of the procedures to his website, “Eunuch Maker.”
Shockingly, the men consented to the procedures — they’re part of a subculture of guys who are desperate to become “nullos,” which is short for genital nullification, by having their penises and testicles removed.
Gustavson would film himself performing the procedures and upload them to Eunuch Maker, a pay-per-view website which boasted almost 23,000 users and made more than $300,000 in the years between 2017 and 2021. He had previously pleaded guilty to 13 offenses including conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm, causing grievous bodily harm and possessing criminal property.
The grievous bodily harm charges arise from the fact that while the men did consent to the procedures, people cannot legally consent to the infliction of an injury causing bodily harm, so the acts were criminal even if consent were present. Prosecutor Caroline Carberry also argued that many of the victims were vulnerable and had been pressured by Gustavson and his co-defendants to undergo the drastic procedures.
Gustavson doesn’t just talk the talk either; he also walks the walk. That is, he willingly had his own penis removed in 2017 and later had his left leg removed after submerging it in dry ice in 2019. The two men involved in those procedures were jailed in January.
If all of that weren’t bad enough, Gustavson kept some of the amputated body parts in his freezer, and investigators found messages that suggested he had offered some for sale. I suppose once you’re enthusiastically amputating people, selling their body parts isn’t much of a leap, but Jesus, dude.
Here’s hoping anyone who goes searching for the Eunuch Maker’s services from now on finds their way to seeking the help of a mental health professional instead.